AWS CloudTrail vs. Azure Audit Logs

August 10, 2021

AWS CloudTrail vs. Azure Audit Logs

When it comes to cloud hosting, security is of utmost concern. It doesn't matter which cloud platform you are using; you need to ensure the data is secure. Both AWS and Azure offer logging solutions; AWS has CloudTrail, and Azure has Audit Logs. But which one is better? In this blog post, we will compare both logging solutions and examine their features.

AWS CloudTrail

AWS CloudTrail is a service that provides detailed event history of your AWS account activity, including actions taken through the AWS Management Console, AWS SDKs, command line tools, and other AWS services. CloudTrail also provides event history of your AWS account activity, including actions taken through the AWS Management Console, AWS SDKs, and command-line tools.

CloudTrail logs data events in JSON format and provides the data for the last 90 days. The service provides real-time monitoring and notification of API activity through Amazon SNS, CloudWatch Alarms, and CloudWatch Events. CloudTrail integrates with several third-party tools like CloudCheckr and Sumo Logic.

Azure Audit Logs

Azure Audit Logs are like CloudTrail that provides a record of all changes made to a particular resource or the entire Azure subscription. Audit logs record operations happening across your resources, including virtual machines, storage accounts, and databases. The service is available for Azure Resource Manager, Classic deployment model resources, and other service-specific resources.

Audit Logs store all the data in JSON format, and users can retrieve the data for up to 90 days. The service integrates with Azure Monitor and Azure Event Grid.


Now that we've examined both solutions let's compare their features side by side:

AWS CloudTrail Azure Audit Logs
Real-time monitoring Yes Yes
Data storage 90 days 90 days
Data format JSON formatted JSON formatted
Integrations CloudCheckr, Sumo Logic, and others Azure Monitor, Azure Event Grid, and others
Cost $0.10 per 100,000 events Free
Available locations Global Global


Both AWS CloudTrail and Azure Audit Logs are excellent logging solutions that allow you to monitor and track your resources' activities for security purposes. The choice between the two options depends on the user's preference and the resources they are using.

AWS CloudTrail is an excellent choice if you need to monitor activity across multiple AWS accounts and regions, and if you need to integrate with third-party tools.

Azure Audit Logs are the best option if you need to audit changes in the Azure platform, and if you are already using Azure Event Hub.

Whichever solution you select, you can be confident that your data is being monitored and tracked in real-time.


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